Thursday, August 04, 2005

scientists corner part 3 of 10- solids, liquids and gases

hello again,

today we shall discuss.... (flips through imaginary text book) SOLIDS, IQUIDS AND GASES

now then, solids, well, we all know what they are, they are things like, um, computer screens for example, if it does the following it's solid:

  • stays in the same place
  • has a fixed volume
  • all the atoms are tightly squeezed togeather and don't float around so much

liquids are a bit like solids but the differences are:

  • the liquid dosent exactly have a fixed volume...
  • ... but everything stays where is is after a while
  • the atoms float more freely when the liquidated

gases are a bit of a different story actually, the differences are:

  • the gases have what is called free-range -volume which just meanes that the gas has lots more freedom in the air
  • they can go in any direction they feel like going

i hope you have engoyed todays episode of scientists corner

next time on scientists corner...

we shall be discussing nature



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