Tuesday, August 09, 2005

scientists corner part 5 of 10- poisens

goodday to ye all
well hello again, i suppose you have come to read my update on the blog(scientists corner? well i must say we're speeding through it now and we've just got halfway, which meanes we shoud get on with todays subject poisens.

There are different types of poisen, some could be anasthetics whereas some can be DEADLY for example arsnic, is a poisen which will kill you five seconds flat

see y'all either on friday or in a few weeks as i won't have a computer near me in france, and next time's subject will be about poisens again (just to carry on from today)


Friday, August 05, 2005

scientists corner part 4 of 10- Nature

hello/ failte

sorry about the irish hello but i am now in ireland, but that dosen't prevent me from continuing my sieries of scientists corner. Today we shall discuss... Nature

Nature is a big thing,it is all around us, flora and fauna are nature, animals are nature, certain events are of the natural cause, in fact EVERYTHING has a natural cause, and that's what we'll be discussing today

flora and fauna

now nearly everyone must have heard of the terms "flora" and "fauna" before, but for those of you who have been on the moon or something, i'll tell you.
Flora is just another word for animals, as in "I saw a lot of flora today when i was out walking in the woods" or in plainer english "I saw a lot of animal when i was out walking in the woods today.
Fauna on the other hand, is just another word for plants as in "I saw a lot of exotic fauna today when i was in the fauna shop today" or in plainer english "I saw lots of exotic plants when i was in the plant shop today".

you see, flora and fauna just meen animals and plants

next time we shall be discussing..... CIRCLES OF LIFE but until next time.

slan abahilia (goodbye everyone)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

scientists corner part 3 of 10- solids, liquids and gases

hello again,

today we shall discuss.... (flips through imaginary text book) SOLIDS, IQUIDS AND GASES

now then, solids, well, we all know what they are, they are things like, um, computer screens for example, if it does the following it's solid:

  • stays in the same place
  • has a fixed volume
  • all the atoms are tightly squeezed togeather and don't float around so much

liquids are a bit like solids but the differences are:

  • the liquid dosent exactly have a fixed volume...
  • ... but everything stays where is is after a while
  • the atoms float more freely when the liquidated

gases are a bit of a different story actually, the differences are:

  • the gases have what is called free-range -volume which just meanes that the gas has lots more freedom in the air
  • they can go in any direction they feel like going

i hope you have engoyed todays episode of scientists corner

next time on scientists corner...

we shall be discussing nature


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

scientists corner part 2of 10- electricity.

hi there,
welcome to part 2 of 10 of my blog on science, today we shall be talking about and studying... ELECTRICITY! don't you think electricity is BORING? well, y'know what? that's what 99.9% of the worlds people think but with the series of guides about the subjects that really matter, they will never be boring again. electricity is the only thing that can be used for heating, well for all sorts really.
see you tommorrow


Monday, July 25, 2005

scientists corner- part 1 0f 10

dear all,
so sorry for the lag but i've actually been thinking up ideas for this blog, anyway, as i havent officially left for my holidays, i think i can discuss with you things about science and what not, frankly, i won't really have much time to comunicate because i have my mums sister & co over so i'm going to have to put on my ' guests entertainment' hat for the next week actually but anyway, science. It is a very interesting subject actually buut, some wierdos think it's boring, well they are so WRONG. Science is one of the most fascinating subjects on the planet. during my science postings, we will be discussing different scientific topics, join me tommorrow for another episode of scientists corner, where we will be discussing electricity

same place (different time though!)